Game developer of many hats. DSP wizard-in-training. Vocal synthesis mad scientist.


UTAU Voice Libraries


This page serves as the official database of the UTAU-compatible voice sample libraries (and associated characters) which I own and manage. Information found on any external site may be unreliable; this site should be considered the most up-to-date version of all data.

(That said, this page is a work in progress, but it's better than the old site.)


Halt Tanner is a contralto-range, female-presenting voice library sampled from Lou Carroll (Cdra)'s voice. She has phonetic libraries for both Japanese and English and a full-bodied, mature tone.

(art by SteelEmissary)


Soledi Ranger (formerly known as Soledi Renje) is a soprano-range, female-presenting voice library sampled from Phayne Carroll's voice. She has phonetic libraries for both Japanese and English and a quirky, sharp tone.

(art by SteelEmissary)


Bari Tanner is a tenor-range, male-presenting voice library sampled from Lou Carroll (Cdra)'s voice. He has phonetic libraries for both Japanese and English and a forceful, energetic tone.